Database Reference
In-Depth Information
Listing 12-28. The follow Method in UserAction and follow Service Method in UserDAO
@Action(value = "follow/{username}",results = {@Result(name = "success", type = "json")})
public String follow() {
try {
catch (Exception e) {
return SUCCESS;
// follow and return new list of following
public List<User> follow(String currentusername, String username) {
ResultSet resultSet = cypher.resultSetQuery(
" MATCH (user1:User {username:{1}} ),(user2:User {username:{2}} )" +
" CREATE UNIQUE user1-[:FOLLOWS]->user2" +
" WITH user1" +
" MATCH (user1)-[f:FOLLOWS]->(users)" +
" RETURN users " +
" ORDER BY users.username",
map("1", currentusername, "2", username));
ResultSetMapper<User> resultSetMapper = new ResultSetMapper<User>();
return resultSetMapper.mapRersultSetToObject(resultSet, User.class);
catch (Exception e) {
return null;
The unfollow feature uses an application flow nearly identical to the follows feature. In the unfollow method,
shown in Listing 12-29, the controller passes in two arguments: the current username and username to be
unfollowed. Once completed, the unfollow route returns the updated collection of users being followed.
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