Database Reference
In-Depth Information
Retrieving and Updating a Node
Once nodes have been added to the database, you need a way to retrieve and modify them. Listing 12-6 shows the
process for finding a node by its node id value and updating it.
Listing 12-6. Retrieving and Updating a Node
public void updateNode() {
// Make sure Neo4j Driver is registered
// Connect
Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:neo4j://localhost:7474/");
Map<String, Object> params = map("1", "Greg", "2", "Greg", "3", "Jordan");
String query= " MATCH (user:User {name:{1}}) " +
" SET user.firstname={2}, user.lastname={3} " +
" RETURN user ";
final PreparedStatement statement = conn.prepareStatement(query);
for (Map.Entry<String, Object> entry : params.entrySet()) {
int index = Integer.parseInt(entry.getKey());
statement.setObject(index, entry.getValue());
final ResultSet result = statement.executeQuery();
// result contains user data, which can be mapped to bean
Removing a Node
Once a node's graph id has been set and saved into the database, it becomes eligible to be removed when necessary.
To remove a node, set a variable as a node object instance and then call the delete method for the node (Listing 12-7).
You cannot delete any node that is currently set as the start point or end point of any relationship. You must
remove the relationship before you can delete the node.
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