Database Reference
In-Depth Information
Apache Tomcat and Apache HTTP
If you already have Apache HTTP installed (or some other webserver) and configured on port 80, you need to make
sure that you do one of the following:
Ensure that Apache HTTP (or other service on port 80) has been stopped. You can then
configure and run Tomcat on port 80.
Enable and configure ProxyPass in your virtual hosts file, as shown in Listing 12-4.
Use the default Apache Tomcat port of 8080.
If you use Apache HTTP with many other projects and do not want spend time starting and stopping Apache
HTTP, I recommend the second option. A sample virtual host configuration is shown in Listing 12-4.
Listing 12-4. Minimum Configuration for httpd-vhosts.conf
<VirtualHost *:80>
ServerName practicalneo4j-java
ProxyPreserveHost On
ProxyPass / http://practicalneo4j-java:8080/
ProxyPassReverse / http://practicalneo4j-java:8080/
Neo4j JDBC Driver
This section covers basic operations and usage of the Neo4j JDBC driver (NJDBC) with the goal of reviewing the small
code examples before implementing it within an application. The next section of this chapter walks through a sample
application with specific graph goals and models.
As for the other language drivers and libraries available for Neo4j, one goal of NJDBC is to provide a degree of
abstraction over the Neo4j REST API. In addition, NJDBC provides some additional enhancements that you might
otherwise be required write yourself at some other stage in the development of your Java application.
The Neo4j jDBC driver is maintained by the undeniably awesome and helpful Michael hunger and supported by
a number of great java graphistas. If you would like to contribute to the Neo4j jDBC driver, go to .
Each of the following brief sections covers concepts that tie either directly or indirectly to features and
functionality found within NJDBC and Neo4j Server. If you choose to go through each language chapter, notice how
each library covers those features and functionality in similar ways but takes advantage of the language-specific
capabilities to ensure the language-specific API is flexible and performant.
Managing Nodes and Relationships
Chapters 1 and 2 covered the elements of a graph database, which includes the most basic of graph concepts: the
node. Managing nodes and their properties and relationships will probably account for the bulk of your application's
graph-related code.
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