Database Reference
In-Depth Information
Listing 11-53. The Search Method to Find Products
public MappedProductSearch[] search (String q) {
q = q.trim().toLowerCase() + ".*";
return Iterables.toArray(MappedProductSearch.class, (q));
Listing 11-54. The Search Method in the MappedProductSearchRespository
@Query(value = "MATCH (p:Product) " +
" WHERE lower(p.title) =~ {q} " +
" RETURN count(*) as count, TOSTRING(ID(p)) as productNodeId, " +
" p.title as name " +
" ORDER BY p.title LIMIT 5")
Iterable<MappedProductSearch> search (@Param("q") String q);
@JsonPropertyOrder(alphabetic = true)
public interface MappedProductSearch {
String getId();
String getLabel();
String getName();
In many cases, it is recommended not to use the graphId because it can be recycled when its node is deleted.
In this case, the productNodeId is safe to use, because products would not be in danger of being deleted but only
removed from a Location relationship.
Once the product and distance have been set and the search is executed, the LocationController tests to see if
a prouctNodeId property has been set. If so, the returnLocationsWithinDistanceAndHasProduct method is called
from LocationImpl, which in turn calls the returnLocationsWithinDistanceAndHasProduct method, shown in
Listing 11-55, from the MappedLocationRepository interface is called.
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