Database Reference
In-Depth Information
Both getProductsHasATagAndUserUsesAMatchingTag and getProductsHasTagAndUserUsesTag methods
in the MappedProductUserTagRepository interface return a List of MappedProductUserTag objects. The
getProductsHasATagAndUserUsesAMatchingTag does not require any arguments and will simply return the product
title as well as the user and tags that are a match. However, the getProductsHasTagAndUserUsesTag , which is shown
in Listing 11-49, requires a word/phrase as well as a username. In addition, this will result in a list of MappedProducts
as opposed to MappedProductUserTag .
Listing 11-49. The Products Matching User Tags Methods and the MappedProductUserTag Interface in the
MappedProductUserTagRepository Interface
// getProductsHasATagAndUserUsesAMatchingTag
@Query("MATCH (p:Product)-[:HAS]->(t)<-[:USES]-(u:User) " +
" RETURN p.title as title, collect(u.username) as u, collect(distinct t.wordPhrase) as t ")
List<MappedProductUserTag> getProductsHasATagAndUserUsesAMatchingTag ();
// getProductsHasTagAndUserUsesTag
@Query("MATCH (t:Tag { wordPhrase: {wp} }),(u:User { username: {username} }) " +
" WITH t,u " +
" MATCH (p:Product)-[:HAS]->(t)<-[:USES]-(u) " +
" RETURN ID(p) as nodeId, p.title, p.description, p.tagstr ")
List<MappedProduct> getProductsHasTagAndUserUsesTag (@Param("wp") String wp, @Param("username")
String username);
// MappedProductUserTag
public interface MappedProductUserTag {
String getTitle();
List<String> getUsers();
List<String> getTags();
Location Graph Model
This section explores the location graph model and a few of the operations that typically accompany it. In particular, it
looks at the following:
The spatial plugin
Filtering on location
Products based on location
The example demonstrates how to add a console to enable you to connect products to locations in an
ad hoc manner.
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