Database Reference
In-Depth Information
To search for users to follow, the UserController uses the searchbyusername method, which calls the
searchByUserName method in UserImpl . The searchByUserName method requests the searchByUserName method in the
UserRepository , which is shown in the second part of Listing 11-30 and was also covered in more detail in Listing 11-17
of the “Spring Repositories” section. The searchByUserName method in UserRepository matches the current user and
then returns a List of users not already being followed by the current user and whose username matches on a wildcard
String value, which is created in the searchByUserName method in UserImpl .
Listing 11-30. The searchByUsername Method in UserImpl
// UserImpl
public List<User> searchByUsername (String currentusername, String username) throws Exception {
username = username.toLowerCase() + ".*";
LinkedList<User> users =
new LinkedList<User>( userRepository.searchByUsername (currentusername, username));
return users;
// UserRepository
@Query(" MATCH (n:User), (user { username:{c}}) " +
" WHERE (n.username =~ {u} AND n <> user) " +
" AND (NOT (user)-[:FOLLOWS]->(n)) " +
" RETURN n")
List<User> searchByUsername (@Param("c") String currentusername, @Param("u") String username);
The searchByUsername in {PROJECTROOT}/WebContent/resources/js/graphstory.js uses an AJAX request
and formats the response in renderSearchByUsername . If the list contains users, it will be displayed in the center of
the page under the search form, as shown in Figure 11-9 . Otherwise, the response will display “No Users Found”. The
display code for showing the list of users found can be reviewed by opening the friends.html file in {PROJECTROOT}/
WebContent/mustache/html/graphs/social/ .
Once the search returns results, the next action would be to click on the “Add as Friend” link, which will call the
addfriend method in graphstory.js . This will perform an AJAX request to the follow method in the UserController
and call follow in UserImpl . The follow method in UserImpl , shown in Listing 11-31, will create the relationship
between the two users by first finding each entity via getByUserName and then use createRelationshipBetween
provided by the neo4jTemplate .
Listing 11-31. The follow Method in UserImpl
// UserImpl
public void follow (String currentusername, String username) throws Exception {
User cu = getByUserName (currentusername);
User toFollow = getByUserName (username);
neo4jTemplate. createRelationshipBetween (neo4jTemplate.getNode(cu.getNodeId()),
neo4jTemplate.getNode(toFollow.getNodeId()), GraphStoryConstants.FOLLOWS, null);
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