Database Reference
In-Depth Information
@Query("MATCH (user { username:{u}})-[:FOLLOWS]->(users) " +
" RETURN users " +
" ORDER BY users.username")
LinkedList<User> following (@Param("u") String username);
The HTML required for the user sign-up form is shown in Listing 11-18 and can be found in the
{PROJECTROOT}/WebContent/mustache/html/home/index.html file. The important item to note in the HTML form is
that the bean name then property are used to specify what is passed to controller and, subsequently, to the service
layer for saving to the database.
Listing 11-18. Sign-Up HTML Form
<form class="navbar-form navbar-left" action=" /signup/add " role="form" id="createaccountform"
<div class="form-group">
<input type="text" placeholder="Username" name=" user.username " class="form-control">
<button type="submit" class="btn btn-success">Create Account</button> &nbsp;
The sample application creates a user without a password, but I am certainly not suggesting or advocating
this approach for a production application. excluding the password property was done in order to create a simple sign-up
and login that helps keep the focus on the more salient aspects of SDn.
Sign-Up Controller
In the SignupController class, located in the com.practicalneo4j.graphstory.controller , you will use a method
called adduser to control the flow of the sign-up process, shown in Listing 11-19. The controller instantiates a
ModelAndView object, which returns properties to the view layer. Next, the GraphStoryInterface accesses the save
method of the UserInterface and returns a GraphStory object.
If no errors are returned during the save attempt, the request is redirected to a message view to thank the user for
signing up. Otherwise, the ModelAndView specifies the HTML page to return and the error messages that need to be
Listing 11-19. Sign-Up Controller
@RequestMapping(value = "/signup/add", method = RequestMethod.POST)
public ModelAndView addUser (@ModelAttribute("graphStory") GraphStory graphStory) {
ModelAndView modelAndView;
try {
graphStory = graphStoryInterface.getUserInterface().save (graphStory);
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