Database Reference
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result = query.execute(**params)
for r in result:
setattr(r, "timestampAsStr",
datetime.fromtimestamp(int(r.timestamp)).strftime('%m/%d/%Y') + " at " +
datetime.fromtimestamp(int(r.timestamp)).strftime('%I:%M %p')
return result
Editing a Status Update
When status updates are displayed, the current user's status updates will contain a link to “Edit” the status. Once
clicked, it will open the form, similar to the “Add Content” link, but will populate the form with the status update
values and modify the form button to read “Edit Content”, as shown in Figure 9-11 . As with many similar UI features,
clicking “Cancel” under the heading will remove the values and return the form to its ready state.
Figure 9-11. Editing a status update
The edit feature, like the add feature, uses a route in the graphstory application and a function in graphstory.js ,
which are edit_ and updateContent , respectively. The edit_content route passes in the content object, with its
content id, and then calls the edit_content method in Content class, as shown in Listing 9-30.
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