Database Reference
In-Depth Information
The getContent method in Content class, shown in Listing 8-30, will first determine whom the user is following
and then match that set of user with the status updates starting with the CURRENTPOST . The CURRENTPOST is then
matched on the next three status updates via the [:NEXTPOST*0..3] section of the query. Finally, the method uses
a loop to add a readable date and time string property—based on the timestamp—on the results returned to the
controller and view.
Listing 8-30. The getContent Method in the Content Class
public static function getContent($username, $s) {
// we're doing LIMIT 4. at present were' only displaying 3. the extra item
// is to ensure there's more to view, so the next skip will be 3, then 6, then 12
$queryString = " MATCH (u:User {username: {u} })-[:FOLLOWS*0..1]->f " .
" MATCH f-[:CURRENTPOST]-lp-[:NEXTPOST*0..3]-p " .
" RETURN p, f.username as username, f=u as owner " .
" ORDER BY p.timestamp desc SKIP {s} LIMIT 4 ";
$query = new Everyman\Neo4j\Cypher\Query(Neo4Client::client(), $queryString, array(
'u' => $username,
's' => $s
$result = $query->getResultSet();
return self::returnMappedContent($result);
Adding a Status Update
Figure 8-10 shows the form to add a status update for the current user, which is displayed when clicking on the “Add
Content” link just under the “Graph Story - Social Feed” header. The HTML for the form can be found in {PROJECTROOT}/
app/templates/graphs/social/posts.mustache . The form uses the add_content function in graphstory.js to POST a
new status update as well as return the response and add it to the top of the status update stream.
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