Database Reference
In-Depth Information
<div class="form-group">
<div class="col-sm-offset-2 col-sm-10">
<button type="submit" id="updateUser" class="btn btn-default">Update User</button>
User Edit Route
The application contains a route with the path /user/edit , which takes the JSON object argument. The User object
is converted from a JSON string and returns a User object as JSON . The response could be used to update the form
elements, but because the values are already set within the form there is no need to update the values. In this case, the
application uses the JSON response to let the user know if the update succeeded or not via a standard JavaScript alert
message (Listing 8-23).
Listing 8-23. User edit Route
// edit a user
$app->put('/user/edit', function() use ($app){
$params = json_decode($app->request()->getBody());
echo json_encode($user);
User Update Method
To complete the update, the controller layer calls the updateUser method in User class. Because the object being
passed into the update method did nothing more than modify the first and last name of an existing entity, you can use
the SET clause via Cypher to update the properties in the graph, as shown in Listing 8-24. This Cypher statement also
makes use of the MATCH clause to retrieve the User node.
Listing 8-24. The updateUser Method in the User Class
public static function updateUser($username,$firstname,$lastname){
$queryString="MATCH (user:User {username:{u}} ) " .
"SET user.firstname = {fn}, user.lastname = {ln}".
"RETURN user";
$query = new Everyman\Neo4j\Cypher\Query(Neo4Client::client(), $queryString, array(
'u' => $username,
'fn' => $firstname,
'ln' => $lastname));
$result = $query->getResultSet();
return self::returnAsUsers($result);
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