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Filtering Consumption for Messaging
Another practical use of the consumption model is to create a personalized message for users, as displayed in
Figure 7-11 . In this case, a filter allows the “Consumption Console” to narrow down to a very specific group of users
who visited a product that was also tagged with a keyword or phrase each user had explicitly used.
Figure 7-11. The consumption console
Using usersWithMatchingTags found in the ProductService class and shown in Listing 7-43, the application
optionally provides a tag as a string and simply returns the product title and the user and tags that are a match.
Listing 7-43. The usersWithMatchingTags Method in ProductService
// getProductsHasATagAndUserUsesAMatchingTag
public List<MappedProductUserTag> usersWithMatchingTags(string tag)
List<MappedProductUserTag> mappedProductUserTags = null;
mappedProductUserTags = _graphClient.Cypher
.Match("(t:Tag { wordPhrase: {wp} })")
.WithParam("wp", tag)
.Match(" (p:Product)-[:HAS]->(t)<-[:USES]-(u:User) ")
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