Database Reference
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Figure 7-10. The scrolling Product and Product Trail page
In the ConsumptionController , you will take a look at the CreateUserProductViewRel method to see how the
process begins inside the controller. The controller method first saves the view and then returns the complete history
of views using the getProductTrail , which can be found in the ProductService class (Listing 7-42). The process is
started when the createUserProductViewRel function is called, which is located in graphstory.js.
Listing 7-42. getProductTrail in the ProductService
public List<MappedProductUserViews> getProductTrail(string username)
List<MappedProductUserViews> mappedProductUserViews = _graphClient.Cypher
.Match("(u:User { username: {username} })-[r:VIEWED]->(p)")
.WithParam("username", username)
.Return(() => Return.As<MappedProductUserViews>("{ title: p.title, "+
"dateAsStr: r.dateAsStr }"))
return mappedProductUserViews;
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