Information Technology Reference
In-Depth Information
The default is inbound if you do not use the in or out keyword.
In Example 10-1, an access list is applied on an interface to deny packets from IP address, to permit all other devices in subnet, and to deny all other
Example 10-1 Access List to Deny Host
access-list 99 deny host
access-list 99 permit
interface ethernet 0
ip access-group 99
The access list can be verified by using the show access-list command, as shown in
Example 10-2.
Example 10-2 The show access-list Command
router3#show access-list 99
Standard IP access list 99
permit, wildcard bits
The limitation of standard lists is that the only criteria for denying or permitting packets is a
source IP address. For advance filtering, IP-extended access lists are necessary.
IP Extended Access List Configuration
Extended access lists allow filtering based on both source and destination address and some
protocol and port number specifications. The access list is configured by using the following
global commands:
access-list list {permit | deny} protocol source source-mask destination
destination-mask [operator operand] [established]
The argument list is an access list number from 100 to 199 or 2000 to 2699 in the expanded
range. The argument protocol can be ip , tcp , udp , or icmp . The argument source is the source
IP address. The ip and icmp values do not allow port distinctions. The source IP and mask can
be replaced with the keyword any if the source can be from any IP address; it replaces The argument destination is the destination IP address. The source mask and
destination mask define the IP address range; they are inverse masks.
Table 10-3 shows all the protocols that can be selected for filtering.
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