Environmental Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
Fig. 12.1 Location of the study sites ( black circles ) within the three most widespread biocli-
matic belts (sensu Rivas-Mart■nez) of Sicily: light grey thermo-mediterranean, medium grey
meso-mediterranean, dark grey supra-mediterranean. Dashed other bioclimates; climatic data
issue from Drago et al. ( 2002 )
areas (Alberti et al. 2011 ; La Mantia et al. 2013 ) are influenced by climate, the
dataset has been subdivided into three bioclimatic groups of sites (1. thermo-med-
iterranean, 2. meso-mediterranean, 3. supra-mediterranean), which represent the
most widespread bioclimatic belts of Sicily (Fig. 12.1 ). Thermotype classification
follows Rivas-Mart■nez and Loidi Arregui ( 1999 ). The thermotype ( It ) is a biocli-
matic index based on the temperature regime of a site, and it is calculated as fol-
lows: It = ( T + M + m ) 10, where T is the average annual temperature, M is the
average of the maximum temperatures of the coldest month, and m is the average
of the minimum temperatures of the coldest month. In total, 16 thermo-, 22 meso-,
and 10 supra-mediterranean sites have been analyzed.
12.2.1 Original Sampling Data
Soil sampling was carried out in sites where series of secondary succession, i.e. dif-
ferent progressive successional stages, were present. Throughout all bioclimates,
we defined as successional stages the following six land use classes: (1) CU = cul-
tivated areas (orchards, cereal crops); (2) HE = herb-dominated plant communi-
ties without presence of woody species (grazed pastures, old fields abandoned by
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