Biomedical Engineering Reference
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Skin replacement products and markets
Montefiore Medical Center, USA
Abstract: The skin replacement marketplace is becoming an increasingly
complex environment as both the number of problems and number of solutions
are growing. The future needs for skin replacement, specifically, and wound
care, generally, are likely to be significantly greater than they are today owing
to demographic and epidemiological trends. The development of technologi-
cally advanced skin substitutes and wound management systems has been
driven, in large part, by industry. The commercial success of various products
has been modest compared to the market size. Future research and develop-
ment may be impeded by the length of the FDA-approval process which
increases the cost of the various products and limits investor enthusiasm.
Key words: cultured epidermal autograph, dermal matrix, diabetic ulcers,
fibroblasts, keratinocytes, skin replacements, wound care.
To understand this arena better, we need first to understand the problems that
require skin replacement and then to understand the available solutions. Lastly, we
will explore where these solutions have fallen short, what opportunities may still
exist, and which are the most promising future directions for development.
Skin has great importance to body form and function. It is a complex organ with
a myriad functions, many of which are necessary for the survival of the patient.
When disease or injury results in loss of skin, replacement of the lost surface area
is of critical importance. Wound closure is not only medically important, but
significantly reduces the cost of caring for the patient. Through the development of
various skin replacement and wound care technologies, the marketplace has
spawned companies and products that meet many of the requirements of native
skin. As the demographics indicate, the future needs for skin replacement specifi-
cally and wound care generally, are likely to be significantly greater than they are
today. Therefore, the skin replacement marketplace may well be an attractive one
for investment, especially as new technology expands our ability to treat a wide
variety of problems effectively.
Loss of skin results from multiple causes but there are several with major
implications for patients, physicians, the healthcare system and the marketplace.
These several causes have significance because they affect large and growing
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