Agriculture Reference
In-Depth Information
16. Biomass Crop Assistance Program (2010) 75 Fed. Reg. at 66,238, 66,237, 27 Oct 2010
17. 7 C.F.R. Sect. 1450.2(b)
18. 7 C.F.R. Sect. 1450.3(c)
19. Pollans MJ (2010) Bundling public and private goods: the market for sustainable organics.
NYU Law Rev 85:628-629
20. Brunori G, Rand S, Proost J, Barjolle D, Granberg L, Dockes A-C. Towards a conceptual
framework for agricultural and rural innovation policies. Insight 2005
21. US Department of Agriculture (USDA). National institute of food and agriculture, extension.
22. Ho MD (2011) Agricultural research, education, and extension: issues and background. con-
gressional research service. .
Accessed 14 2011
23. Woodward AR (2009) Land-grant university governance: an analysis of board composition
and corporate interlocks. Agric Hum Values 26:121-123
24. Knickel K, Brunori G, Rand S, Proost J (2009) Towards a better conceptual framework for
innovation processes in agriculture and rural development: from linear models to systemic
approaches. J Agric Educ Exten 15:131-137
25. Sorensen A, Doukas J (2010) Policy approaches to energy and resource use in US agriculture.
Renew Agric Food Syst 25:109-117
26. US EPA (2010) Prevention of signifi cant deterioration and title V greenhouse gas tailoring
rule, 75 Fed. Reg. 31514-31618, 3 Jun 2010
27. US EPA (2011) Deferral for CO2 emissions from bioenergy and other biogenic sources under
the prevention of signifi cant deterioration (PSD) and title V programs, 76 Fed. Reg. 43490-
43508, 20 Jul 2011
28. U.S. EPA (2011) Accounting framework for biogenic CO2 emissions from stationary sources.
4886/$File/Biogenic_CO2_Accounting_Framework_Report_LATEST.pdf . Accessed Sept 2011
29. US EPA (2010) Call for information: information on greenhouse gas emissions associated
with bioenergy and other biogenic sources, 75 Fed. Reg. 41173-41177, 15 Jul 2010
30. General Services Administration (2005) Federal acquisition regulation. https://www.acquisi-
31. US EPA (1999) Final guidance on environmentally preferable purchasing. http://www.epa.
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32. USDA (2012) Guidelines for designating biobased products for federal procurement, 77 Fed.
Reg. 25632-25641. .
Accessed 1 May 2012
33. Cal. Air Res. Bd. Final regulation order, amendments to the regulation for the mandatory
reporting of greenhouse gas emissions, 70.
34. Cal. Low carbon fuel standard sustainability workgroup.
35. CAT forest group/inter-agency forest working group, CAL. CLIMATE CHANGE PORTAL.
36. Rocky Mountain Farmers Union et al (2012) v. James N. Goldstene, et al., Nos. 12-15131,
12-15135, U.S. Ct. App. 9th Cir
37. Cal (2009) Energy commission, fi nal regulation language, alternative and renewable fuels
and technologies program, CEC-600-2008-013-F, 2 (Apr. 2009)
38. California Pub. Res. Code Sect. 25741(b)(1)
39. Offset Quality Initiative (2009) Maintaining carbon market integrity. http://www.climatet- . Accessed June 2009
40. Cal (2011) Energy commission, lifecycle assessment of existing and emerging distributed
generation technologies in California, CEC-500-2011-001, July 2011
41. North Carolina Utilities Commission (2010) Order accepting registration of renewable
energy facilities, Docket No. E-7, Sub 939, 11 Oct 2010
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