Agriculture Reference
In-Depth Information
Fig. 5.31 Functional processes in harvest and transport of green crops
Whole-Stick Harvesting
green top and sometimes the trash or leaves, and placing the cane in swaths or
heaps. These operations are facilitated by burning the crop in the field. However,
burning is considered an environmentally unacceptable practice and is increasingly
discouraged. The equipment available for whole-stick harvesting and transport are
discussed below:
• Cutterwindrowers:Cutter-windrower operationsconsist ofstraighteningthe
cane, cutting the green top, cutting at the base, and conveying the cane and wind-
rowing (Fig. 5.32a ). The machines are available in one- or two-row form and can
achieveaveragethroughputof60th −1 . The windrows are picked up by the load-
ers. These machines were designed for Louisiana conditions in which the cane is
planted on ridges 1.7 m apart. They are not suitable for cane yielding more than
100-120tha −1 or for lodged cane.
• Cutterstackers:Cutterstackersaredesignedforasinglerow.Thecaneisstraight-
to1,500kg(seeFig. 5.32b ). The bundles are expelled in the field for later pick-
ingupbyaloader.Thesemachinescanachieve50th −1 throughput rates. These
machinescanbeusedforhighyieldingcane,suchas150 tha −1 and above and
for less erect crops.
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