Graphics Programs Reference
In-Depth Information
Select the image you want to assign to the mesh
from the image drop-down menu in the header
of the UV Image editor. Alternatively, you can
open an image with Image 4 Open Image , or
create one with Image 4 New Image .
unwrapping the Bat Creature
As you've seen in the preceding discussion, I
unwrapped the Bat Creature and packed it into
a single UV tile by first tagging seams and then
unwrapping with the Unwrap operator (see
Figure 8-7). For the torso, I made the unwrap
more symmetrical by selecting the line of verti-
ces that ran down the middle of the front of the
torso in the UV Image editor, scaling them on the
x -axis to zero ( S 4 X 4 0 ), pinning them, and then
unwrapping again ( E ). Next, I averaged the scale
of all of the islands, packed them into the UV grid,
and scaled up the head slightly to give it more
texture space relative to other areas (because it's
the part of the body likely to get more attention).
To see your image in the 3D Viewport, go to
the Display panel of the Properties region and
enable Textured Solid .
Testing Your UV Coordinates
To make sure that your UV unwrap works well and
that areas are not becoming too distorted, apply a
UV test grid to see the effects of your unwrap on
your mesh (see Figure 8-6). To do so, follow the
steps below:
In the UV Image editor, with
your object in Edit mode,
click Image 4 New Image to
apply a new image to your
mesh and check the UV Test
Grid option. This will gener-
ate a test grid pattern and
assign it to the UV coordi-
nates of your mesh.
Turn on Textured Solid in
the display options of the
Properties region in the
3D Viewport. You should
see a checkerboard pattern
applied to your mesh.
You should now be able
to easily see problem areas in
your unwrap, such as areas with
awkward stretching or parts of
the mesh that are too big or too
small. You can then fix these
areas in the UV Image editor
and see the changes in real time
in the 3D Viewport.
Figure 8-6: Checking your UV unwrap with a UV test grid image. This grid will help
you to identify areas that have not unwrapped well, as well as ones that are out of
scale with the rest of the unwrap.
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