Java Reference
In-Depth Information
Recipients E-mailed : The total number of recipients to whom the
application has sent e-mail messages.
Admins E-mailed : The same as the Recipients E-mailed metric but
related to application administrators. You get a separate allocation
for administrators.
Message Body Data Sent : For each e-mail message that is sent by
your application, App Engine measures the amount of data in the
body of the e-mail. This metric also counts toward your Outgoing
Bandwidth quota.
Attachments Sent : The total number of attachments sent with your e-
mail messages.
Attachment Data Sent : For each e-mail message that is sent by your
application, App Engine measures the amount of data sent as
attachments. This is in addition to the Message Body metric and also
counts toward your Outgoing Bandwidth quota.
URL Fetch
App Engine can communicate with other applications or access other resources on
the web by fetching URLs. An application can use this service to issue HTTP and
HTTPS requests and receive responses. Table 2-6 shows the quota limits for the URL
Fetch quota.
Table 2-6. App Engine Quotas for the URL Fetch Service
Daily Limit
Maximum Rate
Daily Limit
Maximum Rate
(Billing Enabled)
URL Fetch API Calls
3,000 calls /
46M calls
32,000 calls /
URL Fetch Data Sent
22MB / min
740MB / min
URL Fetch Data
22MB / min
740MB / min
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