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Tabl e 1. Summary of BILP as presented in [10]
Function Type Examples
I/O Constraints NOT 1: y =1 − x 1
NAND 2: y =1 − x 1 · x 2
NOR 2: y =1 ( x 1 + x 2 )+ x 1 · x 2
where y,x i ʵ [0 , 1]
y =1 − x 1 · x 2
p = x 1 · x 2
y =1 − p
s.t. p ≤ x 1 , p ≤ x 2 ,and x 1 + x 2 − p ≤ 1
x n
x n +1
x n =1 − x n
x n +1 =1 − x n +1
x toggle = x n · x n +1 + x n · x n +1
Maximize i =1 x toggle
5 Formulation of Level-BILP
Formulation of BILP for each level is needed to determine the level-max peak
activity and the corresponding input vectors in a modified way. For example with
respect to Fig-1, to determine the peak activity at Level-1 the toggle variables
at out-put net of XOR and NAND gate only has to be included in the objective
function. Hence for Level-1 the objective function as given in Table 1 can be
rewritten in following way.
x 1 .i
i =1
where x 1 . 1
toggle and x 1 . 2
toggle are toggle variable corresponding to XOR and NAND
gate at Level-1.
Since here the objective is to determine the peak activity at Level-1 the rest
of the circuit i.e. Level-2 to Level-3 can be ignored. Therefor the constraint set
now will only consider the gates from Level-1.
Similarly when we consider the Level-2 the objective function will optimize
the toggle variables corresponding to Level-2. And the constraint set will include
the gates from Level-2 back to Level-1. Rest of the gates from Level-3 onwards
can be ignored.
Hence from the above demonstration we observed that during the maximiza-
tion at Level-j(j is the current level at which maximization is being performed)
the circuit from Level-[j+1] to Level-L(L is the maximum number of levels) is
in don't care state and circuit from Level-1 to Level-j is in active state or care
state. Hence the BILP can now be applied only to the part of circuit that is in
active state.
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