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This says that aside from light reaching the eye directly from luminaires (the first
e term), we can instead apply the transport operator once to the luminaires ( T e )
to get a new set of luminaires which we can then render using the series solution
( I + T +
). This is the key idea in an approach called virtual point lights [Kel97]:
The initial transport of the luminaires is performed by something very similar to
photon tracing, except that instead of recording the field radiance at the intersec-
tion point, we record the resultant surface radiance after scattering. This surface
radiance becomes one of the virtual point lights (or, in image-space photon map-
ping, the bounce map).
If, following Arvo, we further decompose T into the product KG , where G
transports surface radiance at each point to field radiance at another, and K scatters
field radiance at a point into surface radiance there, then we can consider breaking
a term off the series solution in a slightly different way:
T ) 1 e =( I + T + T 2 +
( I
) e ,
= e +( T + T 2 +
) T e ,
= e +( I + T +
) KG e , and
= e +(( I + T +
) K )( G e ) .
In this form, we transport the radiance from the luminaires to become field radi-
ance at the other surfaces in the scene ( G e ). Subsequent processing involves trac-
ing rays from the eye to various depths, and then scattering (the K term) the field
radiance we find at intersection points. This can be regarded as a primitive form
of photon mapping, in which the photon map contains only one-bounce photons.
Doubtless other factorizations of the series solution can lead to further algo-
rithms as well.
This chapter has merely given a broad view of some topics in rendering, focus-
ing attention on Monte Carlo methods because of our belief that these are likely to
remain dominant for some time. To paraphrase Michael Spivak [Spi79b], we've
introduced you to much of the foundational material, and “beyond all this lies a
vast porridge of literature, and [we are] not glutton[s] enough to pick out all the
If you want to know more about the physical and mathematical basis of ren-
dering, and especially Monte Carlo methods, we recommend Veach's disserta-
tion [Vea97] as an education in itself. For those for whom the assumptions that
lie at the foundation of rendering are important, Arvo's dissertation [Arv95]
is an excellent starting point, particularly for the operator-theoretic point of
view. Both, however, involve considerable mathematics. The SIGGRAPH course
notes [JAF + 01] give a slightly less demanding transition.
On the other hand, if efficient approximations to the ideal interest you, then
Real Time Rendering [AMHH08] is an excellent reference.
For modern implementations of Monte Carlo methods, Phyiscally Based Ren-
dering by Pharr and Humphreys [PH10] is detailed and comprehensive.
Most important, the best place to start is with current research in the field.
Research in rendering is featured at almost every graphics conference. The Euro-
graphics Symposium on Rendering deserves special mention, however, as its long-
term focus on rendering has made it a particularly fertile ground for new ideas. We
suggest that you grab a paper, start reading and chasing references, and be both
open-minded and skeptical at all times.
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