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these uses are consistent. Consider the identity function I : S
S : s
s .By
Equation 30.12, we have
p I ( t )= Pr
I = t
for t
S .
For a fixed element t
S , what is the event I = t ? It's the event
S : I ( s )= t
S : s = t
The probability of this event is just the sum of the probability masses for all out-
comes in the event, that is, p ( t ) . Thus, the probability mass function for the identity
map is the same thing as the probability mass function p for the probability space
Functions like Y that send a probability space to some set T rather than R are
sometimes still called random variables. In the case we're most interested in, Y
will send the unit square to the unit sphere or upper hemisphere, and we'll use
the terminology “random point.” We'll use the letter Y to denote random-point
functions, just as we use X for all the random variables in the chapter.
We conclude with one last bit of terminology. The function p Y , whether Y is a
random variable or a map from S to some arbitrary set T , is called the distribution
of Y ; we say that Y is distributed according to p Y . This suggestive terminology
is useful when we're thinking of things like student scores on a test, where it's
common to say, “The scores were distributed around a mean of 82.” In this case,
the underlying probability space S is the set of students, with a uniform probability
distribution on S , and the test score is a random variable from students to R . You'll
often see the notation X
f to mean “X is a random variable with distribution f ,”
that is, with p X = f .
30.3.3 Properties of Expected Value, and Related Terms
The expected value of a random variable X is a constant; it's often denoted X .
Note that X can also be regarded as a constant function on S , and hence be treated
as a random variable as well.
Expectation has two properties that we'll use frequently: E [ X + Y ]= E [ X ]+
E [ Y ] , and E [ cX ]= c E [ x ] for any real number c . In short, expectation is linear .
Expectation and variance (the latter which we'll encounter in a moment) are
higher-order functions: Their arguments are not numbers or points, but actual
functions—in particular, random variables.
When we write E [ X + Y ] , we mean the expectation of the sum of the two
random variables X and Y , that is, the function s
X ( s )+ Y ( s ) . This means
that when we write X + X , we mean the function s
X ( s )+ X ( s ) .If X happens
to correspond to a piece of code that looks like return randb(...) , then you
cannot implement X + X by X() + X() : The two invocations of the random
number generator may produce different values!
In general, when you look at a program with randb in it, your analysis of the
program will involve a probability space with 2 k elements, where k is the number
of times randb is invoked; each element will have equal probability mass. The
same will be true when we look at rand : Any two numbers between 0 and 1 will
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