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the only source of incoming light is the region R , this simplifies to an integral
over directions
that point from Q to some location in R ; we'll denote this set of
directions Ω Q . The density is then
d ( Q )=
v Ω Q
L ( Q ,
v ·
n ( Q )) d
We know the radiance arriving at Q from the inline exercise above. Furthermore,
since the disk R appears very small as viewed from Q , the vectors
all point in
approximately the same direction (namely, S ( P
Q ) , where P is the center of
the region R , and hence the center of the sphere as well). This means that we can
approximate d ( Q ) well by
d ( Q )= m Q )
) m (Ω)(
v ·
n ( Q )) .
The last dot product is approximately 1, because
points almost exactly toward
the center of the large sphere on which Q lies. We can rewrite the measure of Ω Q
as ( A
r 2 )cos(
θ ) , where
θ is the angle between n and Q
P , that is, the outgoing
angle, to get
d ( Q )= A
θ ) .
r 2
) m (Ω)cos(
Everything in this expression is constant (as a function of Q ) except the final
cosine. When we integrate this power density over the entire hemisphere, to get
the total power arriving at the hemisphere, the result is
Arriving power = A
) m (Ω)
θ )
r 2
S + ( r )
= A
r 2
r 2
) m (Ω)
= A
) m (Ω) ,
which is exactly
times the power that arrived at our Lambertian surface. So the
scattering conserves power only if
The computational model for a Lambertian surface consists of a normal vector
and a per-wavelength (or per-primary) reflectance value.
The number
ρ ≤
is called the Lambertian reflectance value; it also happens to be
the cosine-weighted integral of the Lambertian BRDF over the upper hemisphere,
and it represents the fraction of arriving power that's reflected by the surface.
While such a notion might be useful for other kinds of scattering as well, for
a general BRDF f r the ratio of leaving power to arriving power depends on the
distribution of arriving power, so reflectance becomes a function of both the BRDF
and the light field. We'll have no use for this more general notion.
By the way, one explanation of Lambertian reflectance is that it arises in part
from lots of subsurface scattering; in fact, a standard material used as a cali-
bration tool for optics (it has 99% reflectivity over the visible spectrum, with a
very nearly exactly Lambertian BRDF, when measured at a scale of a millime-
ter or so) is Spectralon . These reflectance properties are due to its physical
structure: It's a porous thermoplastic that generates many subsurface reflec-
tions in the first few tenths of a millimeter. Thus, what appears macroscopically
to be a Lambertian “surface” reflector is really a complex sub surface reflector.
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