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Figure 25.29: We start with a source and a target mesh, shown at left, a triangle-by-triangle
correspondence between them (in this case, the correspondence is the fairly obvious one),
and a deformation of the source mesh, shown at the top right. The deformation transfer
algorithm provides a transformation of the target mesh that's analogous to the deformation
of the source mesh. (Courtesy of Robert Sumner and Jovan Popovic.)
and similarly for M , although we'll choose the origin O M independently. (It's a
good idea to use something like the center of mass of M as the origin for M , and
similarly for M , to avoid roundoff errors in later numerical computations.)
We'll similarly use w i and w i for the (vector) position of the i th target vertex
before and after deformation. We'll assume that we're given v i , v i , and w i for all
i , and we wish to find w i for all i .
To make the connection between the deformations of the source mesh M and
the target mesh M , we need a correspondence, C , between them. This is pro-
vided, in the Sumner-Popovic formulation, by a collection of pairs C =
( s i , t i )
between triangles. A pair ( s i , t i ) indicates that the target
triangle with index t i should deform similarly to the source triangle with index s i .
The set C is a relation on triangle indices: It may specify that triangle 7 in M
is to deform similarly to both triangles 2 and 96 in M (in which case the pairs
( 2, 7 ) and ( 96, 7 ) would both be in C ), or that triangles 11 and 12 in M should
both deform like triangle 4 in M , in which case C would contain both ( 4, 11 ) and
( 4, 12 ) . It's not required that every triangle index of M appear as the first element
of some pair in C , nor that every index of M appear as the second element of a
pair. Nonetheless, it may be easiest to imagine C as being nearly a one-to-one cor-
respondence, in which a triangle on the horse's head corresponds to a triangle on
the camel's head and a triangle on the horse's left front foot corresponds to a trian-
gle on the camel's left front foot, etc. The problem of building or describing such
a correspondence in the first place is a separate one; it's possible to try to algo-
rithmically guess correspondences between parts, etc., but it's probably easiest to
have a user indicate correspondences between a few dozen key points, and then
use some kind of breadth-first-search-followed-by-relaxation approach to “grow”
the correspondence outward from these key points.
We'll now set about describing deformation transfer as an optimization prob-
lem. Before we write the optimization, however, we need one more enhancement
of the meshes.
Suppose we have a triangle with vertices v 1 , v 2 , and v 3 , which are to be sent
to another triangle with vertices v 1 , v 2 , and v 3 . It's natural to think of the transfor-
mation from one to the other in terms of the affine transformations we use all the
Z : i = 1, 2,
, c
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