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construction of sphere trees [Hub95] relatively easy. This line of work goes back
to Badler [BOT79].
One final class of objects deserves mention in the context of level of detail:
parametric curves and surfaces. In these cases, the coordinate functions t
( x ( t ) , y ( t ) , z ( t )) or ( u , v )
( x ( u , v ) , y ( u , v ) , z ( u , v )) are real-valued functions, typ-
ically defined on an interval or rectangle. As such, they're amenable to Fourier
analysis (representation as sums of sines and cosines), and hence to filtering. In
specific cases (like B-splines), there are other approaches to simplification, such
as replacing a B-spline by its control-point polygon. And in other cases, bases
other than the Fourier basis may be appropriate: Finkelstein et al. [CK96] rep-
resented level of detail in a B-spline wavelet basis, which allows for both sim-
plification (by eliminating detail beyond a certain scale) and multiscale editing
(see Figure 25.19); there are similar approaches for wavelet representations of
surfaces [ZSS97] to allow multiscale editing and simplification.
Figure 25.19: A curve, rep-
resented in a wavelet basis,
consists of large- and small-scale
features. The small-scale
features—the “character” of the
curve—can be edited without
affecting the large-scale shape,
Reprinted by permission.)
25.4.1 Progressive Meshes
From these generalities, we'll now move on to a specific algorithm for mesh
simplification, Hoppe's progressive meshes. The goal of progressive meshes is
to start from a mesh M n of n nodes, and simplify it to a mesh of n
1 nodes by
collapsing one edge (thus merging two adjacent nodes), as shown in Figure 25.20.
The resultant mesh is denoted M n 1 . Successive collapses of edges lead to a
sequence of meshes with fewer and fewer nodes, ending at M 1 , which consists of
a single node. This provides a “continuous” level-of-detail representation for the
mesh. Furthermore, the change from M n to M n 1 can be interpolated, in the sense
that if we define M t to be a mesh with the topology of M n , but with geometry
modified so that the position u t of u is u t =( 1
t ) u + tw , and similarly for v ,
then M 1 consists of exactly the same set of points as M n 1 ; to convert one to the
other requires deleting two area-zero triangles, and renaming some vertices and
edges. This interpolation (see Figure 25.21) is called a geomorph (for “geometry
Figure 25.20: The edge from u to
v has been collapsed to a single
new vertex, which is labeled w.
The two triangles that meet this
edge have disappeared, and the
four non-uv edges have collapsed
into two edges. The set of trian-
gles shown is called the neighbor-
hood of the edge.
To complete the description of the algorithm, we need to know
1. How to choose a location for the new vertex w
2. How to choose, at each stage, which edge to collapse
For item 2 in the preceding list, Hoppe associates a cost (described below) to
each possible edge collapse, and chooses the one with least cost (i.e., he pursues
a greedy algorithm).
For item 1 in the list, Hoppe considers three possible locations for w : u , v , and
2 ( u + v ) . Each choice results in a different edge-collapse cost, and he chooses the
one with the least cost. Edge-Collapse Costs
To describe the cost of an edge collapse, we first need to describe how to measure
how well a given mesh M fits a set of data X =
R 3 : i = 1, 2,
use a bunch of points from the original mesh M n as the set X , but for now, you
can imagine that M n is a nice enough mesh that we can just use its collection of
vertices as X . For the rest of this discussion, we'll treat the set X as fixed, and not
mention it explicitly.
{ x i
, N
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