Graphics Reference
In-Depth Information
Figure 15.3. The figure is a top view of the scene in which x increases to the right
and z increases downward. The near plane appears as a horizontal line, and the
start point is on that plane, along the line from the camera at the origin to the
center of a specific pixel.
To implement this function we needed to parameterize the camera by either the
image plane depth or the desired field of view. Field of view is a more intuitive way
to specify a camera, so we previously chose that parameterization when building
the scene representation.
Listing 15.14: Computing the ray through the center of pixel ( x , y ) on a
width × height image.
Ray computeEyeRay( float x, float y, int width, int height, const Camera & camera) {
const float aspect = float(height) / width;
// Compute the side of a square at z = -1 based on our
// horizontal left-edge-to-right-edge field of view
const float s = -2.0f * tan(camera.fieldOfViewX * 0.5f);
const Vector3 & start =
Vector3 ( (x / width - 0.5f) * s,
-(y / height - 0.5f) * s * aspect, 1.0f) * camera.zNear;
return Ray (start, start.direction());
We choose to place the ray origin on the near (sometimes called hither) clip-
ping plane, at z = camera.zNear . We could start rays at the origin instead of the
near plane, but starting at the near plane will make it easier for results to line up
precisely with our rasterizer later.
The ray direction is the direction from the center of projection (which is
at the origin, ( 0, 0, 0 ) )totheray start point, so we simply normalize start
Inline Exercise 15.6: By the rules of Chapter 7, we should compute the ray
direction as (start - Vector3(0,0,0)).direction() . That makes the
camera position explicit, so we are less likely to introduce a bug if we later
change the camera. This arises simply from strongly typing the code to match
the underlying mathematical types. On the other hand, our code is going to be
full of lines like this, and consistently applying correct typing might lead to
more harm from obscuring the algorithm than benefit from occasionally find-
ing an error. It is a matter of personal taste and experience (we can somewhat
reconcile our typing with the math by claiming that P.direction() on a
point P returns the direction to the point, rather than “normalizing” the point).
Rewrite computeEyeRay using the distinct Point and Vector abstrac-
tions from Chapter 7 to get a feel for how this affects the presentation and
correctness. If this inspires you, it's quite reasonable to restructure all the code
in this chapter that way, and doing so is a valuable exercise.
Field of
Figure 15.3: The ray through a
pixel center in terms of the image
resolution and the camera's hori-
zontal field of view.
Note that the y -coordinate of the start is negated. This is because y is in 2D
screen space, with a “ y = down” convention, and the ray is in a 3D coordinate
system with a “ y = up” convention.
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