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ray (specified by a point and direction), we translate the point to the origin, rotate
about the vector, and translate back. The projective PointsToPoints method uses
the same general approach that we used in two dimensions, replacing the solution
of 21 simultaneous equations with a solution of four simultaneous equations and
4 matrix inversion.
12.7 Associated Transformations
When we have an affine transformation T on Euclidean space, we've said that
we can transform either points or vectors, and we've incorporated this into our
code. For an affine transformation, we've also seen how to transform covec-
tors; in the code, we've defined a Covector structure (which is very similar to
the Vector structure in the sense of storing an array of double s). And for affine
transformations, there's an associated transformation, T.NormalMap , of covectors.
We've bowed to convention here in calling this the “normal map” rather than the
“covector map,” since its use in graphics is almost entirely restricted to normal
(co)vectors to triangles.
For a projective transformation, the associated map on vectors typically varies
from point to point. In Figure 10.24, for instance, the top and bottom edges of the
small square in the domain may be regarded as two identical vectors; after trans-
formation, these vectors are no longer parallel. The associated map of vectors
transformed them differently because they were based at different points. Thus,
the associated vector transformation takes both a point and a vector as arguments.
The details, and detailed rationale, are presented in a web addendum. The covec-
tor transform (for a projective transformation) similarly depends on the point of
One consequence of the point dependence for the vector and covector transfor-
mations of a projective transformation is that many operations—particularly those
involving dot products of vectors, like computing how much light reflects from a
surface—are best performed before the projective transformation near the end of
the rendering pipeline.
12.8 Other Structures
Depending on how you plan to use the linear algebra library, it might make
sense to create classes to represent other common geometric entities like rays,
lines, planes in 3-space, ellipses, and ellipsoids (which are transformed to ellipses
and ellipsoids, respectively, by nondegenerate linear and affine maps). A ray, for
instance, might be represented by a Point and a direction Vector . It's then natural
either to define
public static Ray operator * (AffineTransformation2 T, Ray r)
or to include in the AffineTransformation2 class a method like
public Ray RayTransform(Ray r)
A good implementation would transform the ray's Point by T , and would trans-
form its direction Vector and normalize the result, because many computations
on rays are easier when their directions are expressed as unit vectors.
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