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number (the angle of rotation) completely determines the rotation. 1 By contrast,
we'll see in Section 11.2 that in 3-space, the set of rotations is three -dimensional.
Furthermore, there's no nice one-to-one correspondence with a familiar object like
a circle.
Although you should, in general, use code like that described in the next chap-
ter to perform transformations, during debugging you'll often find yourself look-
ing at matrices. It's a good skill to be able to recognize translations and scales
instantly, and to be able to guess quickly that the upper-left 3
3 block of a matrix
is a rotation: If all entries are between
1 and 1, and the sum of the squares of
the entries in a column looks like it's approximately one, it's probably a rotation.
Finally, if the bottom row is not [0 0 0 1], you generally know that your transfor-
mation is projective rather than affine.
11.1.1 Projective Transformation Theorems
While projective transformations on 3-space are analogous to those in two dimen-
sions, it's worth explicitly writing down a few of their properties.
A projective transformation is completely specified by its action on a projec-
tive frame, which consists of five points in space, no four of them coplanar. (The
proof is exactly analogous to the two-dimensional proof.)
Every projective transformation on 3-space is determined by a linear trans-
formation of the w = 1 subspace of 4-space, represented by a 4
4matrix M ,
followedbythe homogenizing transformation
H ( x , y , z , w )=( x
w ,
w ,1 ) .
w ,
If the last row of the matrix M is 0001 , then the transformation takes the
w = 1 plane to itself, so H has no effect, and the projective transformation is in
fact an affine transformation whose matrix is M .
Inline Exercise 11.1: Suppose the last row of M is 000 k for some
= 0, 1. Show that in this case, the projective transformation defined by M is
still affine. What is the matrix for this affine transformation? Hint: It's not M !
The matrix M representing a projective transformation is not unique (as you
can conclude from Inline Exercise 11.1). If M represents some transformation,
so does c M for any nonzero constant c , because if k = Mv , then ( c M ) v = c k ;
homogenizing c k involves divisions like ck x
ck w = k x
k w , which produce the same results
as homogenizing k itself.
The last row of the matrix M for a projective transformation determines the
equation of the plane on which the transformation is undefined (i.e., the “plane
sent to infinity”). If the last row is ABCD , then a point xyz 1 T
1. Formally, we should say that SO
2 rotation matrices, is a one-
dimensional manifold, which is, informally, a smooth shape with the property that at
every point, there is essentially only one direction in which to move; in the case of
the circle, this “direction” is that of increasing or decreasing angle. By contrast, the
surface of the Earth is a 2-manifold, because at each point there are two independent
directions for motion—at any point except the poles, one can take these to be north-
south and east-west; any other direction is a combination of these two.
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