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As a special example, the matrix I , with ones on the diagonal and zeroes off
the diagonal, is called the identity matrix; the associated transformation
T ( x )= Ix
is special: It's the identity transformation that leaves every vector x unchanged.
Inline Exercise 10.7: There is an identity matrix of every size: a 1
1 identity,
2 identity, etc. Write out the first three.
10.3.3 Function Composition and Matrix Multiplication
Are Related
If M and K are 2
2 matrices, then they define transformations T M and T K . When
we compose these, we get the transformation
T K : R 2
R 2 : x
T M ( T K ( x )) = T M ( Kx )
= M ( Kx )
=( MK ) x
= T MK ( x ) .
In other words, the composed transformation is also a matrix transformation,
with matrix MK . Note that when we write T M ( T K ( x )) , the transformation T K is
applied first. So, for example, if we look at the transformation T 2
T 3 , it first shears
the house and then scales the result nonuniformly.
Inline Exercise 10.8: Describe the appearance of the house after transforming
it by T 1
T 2 and after transforming it by T 2
T 1 .
10.3.4 Matrix Inverse and Inverse Functions Are Related
Amatrix M is invertible if there's a matrix B with the property that BM =
MB = I . If such a matrix exists, it's denoted M 1 .
If M is invertible and S ( x )= M 1 x , then S is the inverse function of T M ,
that is,
S ( T M ( x )) = x
T M ( S ( x )) = x .
Inline Exercise 10.9: Using Equation 10.13, explain why Equation 10.15
If M is not invertible, then T M has no inverse.
Let's look at our examples. The matrix for T 1 has an inverse: Simply replace
30 by
30 in all the entries. The resultant transformation rotates clockwise by 30 ;
performing one rotation and then the other effectively does nothing (i.e., it is the
identity transformation). The inverse for the matrix for T 2 is diagonal, with entries
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