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interval [ p , q ] , define corresponding barycentric coordinates. How are
α pq ( x ) and
α p , q ( x ) related?
Exercise 9.9: Suppose you have a nondegenerate triangle in 3-space with ver-
tices P 0 , P 1 , and P 2 so that v 1 = P 1
P 0 and v 2 = P 2
P 0 are nonzero and
nonparallel. Further, suppose that we have values f 0 , f 1 , f 2
R associated with the
three vertices. Barycentric interpolation of these values over the triangle defines a
function that can be written in the form
f ( P )= f 0 +( P
P 0 )
for some vector w . We'll see this in two steps: First, we'll compute a possible
value for w , and then we'll show that if it has this value, f actually matches the
given values at the vertices.
(a) Show that the vector w must satisfy v i ·
f 0 for i = 1, 2 for the function
defined by Equation 9.27 to satisfy f ( P 1 )= f 1 and f ( P 2 )= f 2 .
(b) Let S be the matrix whose columns are the vectors v 1 and v 2 . Show that the
conditions of part (a) can be rewritten in the form
S T w = f 1
w = f i
f 0
f 2
f 0
and that therefore w must also satisfy
SS T w = S f 1
f 0
f 2
f 0
(c) Explain why SS T must be invertible.
(d) Conclude that w =( SS T ) 1 S f 1
f 0
f 2
f 0
(e) Verify that if we use this formula for w , then f ( P i )= f i for i = 0, 1, 2.
(f) Suppose that w = w +
v 2 is the normal vector to the
triangle. Show that we can replace w with w in the formula for f and still have
f ( P i )= f i for i = 0, 1, 2.
n , where n = v 1 ×
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