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8.2.1 Boundaries
The boundary of a 1D mesh defined as a formal sum of the vertices of the mesh
in which the coefficient of each vertex is determined as follows: Each edge from
vertex i to vertex j adds + 1 to the coefficient for j , and
1 to the coefficient for i ;
we sometimes write that the boundary of the edge ij is j
i . Applying this to the
mesh above, we find that the boundary formal sum is (reading edge by edge, and
writing v i for the i th vertex)
v 2
v 3
( v 2
v 1 )+( v 3
v 2 )+( v 4
v 3 )+( v 1
v 4 )+( v 6
v 5 ) ,
v 1
v 0
which simplifies to v 6
v 5 . Informally, we say that the boundary consists of ver-
tices 5 and 6.
The reason for the formalism arises when we consider more interesting
meshes, like the one shown in Figure 8.4. The boundary in this case consists of
v 1 + v 2 + v 3 + v 4 + v 5
v 4
v 5
5 v 0 .
Figure 8.4: A wagon-wheel-
shaped mesh. An arrow from
vertex i to vertex j indicates that
( i , j ) is an edge of the mesh, and
not ( j , i ) .
A 1D mesh whose boundary is zero (i.e., the formal sum in which all coeffi-
cients are zero) has the property that it's easy to define “inside” and “outside” by a
rule like the winding number rule for polygons in the plane. Such a mesh is called
A 1D mesh where each vertex has degree 2 (i.e., where each vertex has an
arriving edge and a leaving edge) is said to be a manifold mesh: In the abstract
graph, every point has a neighborhood (a set of all points sufficiently near it) that
resembles a small part of the real number line. A point in the interior of an edge,
for example, has the edge interior as such a neighborhood. A vertex has the union
of the interiors of the two adjacent edges, together with the vertex itself, as such a
We use the term “manifold mesh” to suggest that such meshes are like man-
ifolds, which we will not formally define; there are many topics that introduce
the idea of manifolds with the appropriate supporting mathematics [dC76, GP10].
Informally, however, an n -dimensional manifold is an object M with the property
that for any point p
M , there's a neighborhood of p (i.e., a set of all points in
M close to p , defined appropriately) that looks like the set
R n :
(the “open ball”) in R n . “Looks like” means that there's a continuous map from the
ball to the neighborhood and back. (These continuous maps are also required to be
“consistent” with one another wherever their domains overlap; the precise details
are beyond the scope of this topic.) For example, the unit circle in the plane is a
1-manifold because one neighborhood of the point with angle coordinate
x <
sists of all points with coordinates
θ −
0. 1 to
+ 0. 1; the correspondence to the
unit ball in R (i.e., the open interval
) . Similarly,
familiar smooth surfaces in 3-space like the sphere, or the surface of a donut, are
2-manifolds. An atlas (i.e., a book showing maps of the whole world) is a kind of
demonstration that the sphere is a manifold: Each page of the atlas gives a corre-
spondence between some region of the globe (e.g., Western Europe) and a portion
of the plane (i.e., the page of the atlas that shows Western Europe).
Shapes with corners (like a cube) can also be manifolds, but they are
not smooth manifolds, which is what's usually meant when the term is used
informally—a continuous map that takes a small region around the corner of
the cube and sends it to the plane ends up distorting things too much for all the
required conditions for “smoothness” to hold.
1) is u
10 ( u
− θ
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