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Exercise 7.10: The winding number of a parametric curve
about a point z 0
of the complex plane is defined as
)= 1
n ( z 0 ,
z 0 .
Show that by parameterizing each edge of the polygon with vertices P 1 ,
, P n
with an interval of length 1, and treating the point with coordinates ( x , y ) as the
complex number x + iy , we can reduce this integral definition to the simplified one
we gave for polygons.
Exercise 7.11: (a) Show that the normal vector to a triangle with vertices
P 0 , P 1 , P 2 computed by Plücker's method is indeed perpendicular to P 1
P 0 ;a
similar computation works to show it's perpendicular to P 2
P 0 .
(b) Verify that for P 0 =( 0, 0, 0 ) , P 1 =( 1, 0, 0 ) , and P 2 =( 0, 1, 0 ) , the normal
computed by Plücker's method points along the positive z -axis so that the vectors
P 2
P 0 , and n form a right-handed coordinate system.
(c) Explain why the conclusion of part (b) holds regardless of the location of
P 0 , P 1 , and P 2 , as long as they do not lie on a single line.
Exercise 7.12: Let P 0 P 1 P 2 be a triangle in 3-space, and n its Plücker normal.
Thinking of n as a covector, consider the function v
P 0 , P 1
v . What is its value on
vectors lying in the plane of the triangle?
Exercise 7.13: The inside-outside test for polygons based on ray intersections
depends on the ray intersecting each edge in a single point. It also depends on the
ray not passing through any polygon vertex, because if it did so, the intersections
with both of the edges at the vertex would be counted. How can we avoid these
(a) A randomized algorithm, in which the ray direction is chosen randomly, will
fail with probability zero (assuming we are using infinite-precision numbers). If
the chosen ray is a failure case, we can randomly choose a new one, and with
probability one the algorithm will finish.
(b) We can find the set of all direction vectors of all edges in the polygon, and of
all rays from the test point to all polygon vertices, and choose a direction which is
different from all of these. Explain why, in the case of a very small quadrilateral,
with vertices at (
,0 ) and ( 0,
) , where
is the smallest floating-point num-
ber representable on the computer, and with a test point Q at the origin, both of
these approaches fail in practice. Will the more complex sum-of-inverse-cosines
formula for computing the winding number work in this case?
Exercise 7.14: (To do this exercise, you'll need to know something about
transformations of the plane; these will be covered in Chapter 10.)
(a) Show that the area formula in Equation 7.122 is correct when P 1 , P 2 , and Q do
not lie on a line, and when P 1 is not on the y -axis, by doing two transformations:
Shear in y to move P 1 to the x -axis; then shear in x to move P 2 to the y -axis. Show
that shearing doesn't change the computed area; Cavalieri's principle shows that
it doesn't change the actual area.
(b) Show that the formula is right for the two remaining cases by presenting
an argument for each. The formula for area is a continuous function of the
coordinates of P 1 , P 2 , and Q . The actual area is also a continuous function of
these coordinates. At this point we have shown that these two functions agree
almost everywhere (e.g., whenever the three points do not lie on a line). By a
continuity argument, they must therefore agree everywhere.
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