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you can easily convert between them. If we have two lines whose intersection
we need to compute, we could do an implicit-implicit, parametric-parametric, or
parametric-implicit computation. The implicit-implicit version is messy enough
that it's better to convert one line to parametric form and use the implicit-
parametric intersection approach. We'll begin by computing the intersection of
two lines in parametric form, mostly so that you see the benefit of the later
implicit-parametric form. In general, we find that intersections between implicit
and parametric forms tend to produce the simplest algebra.
7.7.1 Parametric-Parametric Line Intersection
Suppose we have two lines in parametric form, that is, two functions
R 2 : t
: R
tA +( 1
t ) B ,
R 2 : s
: R
sC +( 1
s ) D ,
whose images are (respectively) the line AB and the line CD (see Figure 7.13).
We'd like to find the point P where these lines intersect. That point will lie on the
line determined by
g (0)
h (0)
, that is, it will be
( t 0 ) for some real number t 0 ; similarly,
it'll be
( s 0 ) for some real number s 0 . Equating these gives
Figure 7.13: The lines AB and
CD are the images of the para-
metric functions γ and η ;they
intersect at the unknown point P.
t 0 A +( 1
t 0 ) B = s 0 C +( 1
s 0 ) D ,
which can also be written
D =
t 0 ( A
B )+ s 0 ( C
D ) ,
which is a nice form because it involves only vectors (i.e., differences between
If we write out Equation 7.74 in terms of the known coordinates of the points
A , B , C , and D , we get two equations in the two unknowns s 0 and t 0 and can
solve for them. We can then compute P by computing either t 0 A +( 1
t 0 ) Bor
s 0 C +( 1
s 0 ) D .
An alternative, and preferable, approach is to use the vector form shown in
Equation 7.75. Letting v = A
B and u = C
D ,wehave
D =
t 0 v + s 0 u .
Taking the dot product of both sides with
v , we get
( B
D )
v )=
t 0 v
v )+ s 0 u
v )
( B
D )
v )= s 0 u
v )
( B
D )
v )
= s 0
v )
where the simplification arises because
v is perpendicular to v , so their dot prod-
uct is zero. The last trick—eliminating a term from an equation by taking the dot
product of both sides with a vector orthogonal to that term—is often useful.
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