Biology Reference
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Brannstrom, Christian, Wendy Jepson, Anthony M. Filippi, Daniel Redo, Zengwang Xu,
and Srinivasan Ganesh. 2008. “Land Change in the Brazilian Savanna (Cerrado),
1986-2002: Comparative Analysis and Implications for Land-Use Policy.” Land Use
Policy 25, no. 4 (2008): 579-95.
This paper discusses the implications of the Forest Code for past and projected land-use pat-
terns in the Cerrado.
Cremaq, Piauí. “Brazilian Agriculture: The Miracle of the Cerrado.” Economist , August 26,
2010, .
This article provides a perspective on how the Cerrado became the new midwestern United
States and allowed Brazil to emerge as a global agricultural superpower.
Emmons, Louise H., ed. The Maned Wolves of Noel Kempff Mercado National Park . Smith-
sonian Contributions to Zoology, no. 639. Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution
Scholarly Press, 2012.
Ecology of maned wolves in Bolivia.
Klink, Carlos A., and Ricardo B. Machado. “Conservation of the Brazilian Cerrado.” Con-
servation Biology 19, no. 3 (2005): 707-13.
A fine overview of the biological importance of the Cerrado and the major threats to its con-
Oliviera, Paulo S., and Robert J. Marquis. The Cerrados of Brazil: Ecology and Natural
History of a Neotropical Savanna . New York: Columbia University Press, 2002.
An important topic on the ecology of the Cerrado, including chapters on diverse topics such
as land use, plant communities, the role of fire in the system, and animal community di-
versity and natural history.
Silva, José Maria Cardoso da, and John M. Bates. “Biogeographic Patterns and Conserva-
tion in the South American Cerrado: A Tropical Savanna Hotspot.” BioScience 52, no.
3 (2002): 225-34.
This paper introduces the Cerrado's savannas in a global context and describes the main
biogeographic patterns. It also introduces the principal vegetation types and highlights the
origin and evolution of species diversity and endemism in the region.
Silveira, Leandro, Anah Tereza de Almeida Jácomo, Mariana Malzoni Furtado, Natália
Mundim Tôrres, Rahel Sollmann, and Carly Vynne. “Ecology of the Giant Armadillo
( Priodontes maximus ) in the Grasslands of Central Brazil.” Edentata , nos. 8-10
(2009): 25-34.
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