Geoscience Reference
In-Depth Information
Chapter 5
Land Use Influence on the Quantity and Quality
of Runoff Along Israel's Coastal Strip
Naftaly Goldshlger, Lior Asaf, and Alon Maor
Abstract This study presents an analysis of the quantity and quality of urban
runoff from various land uses by remote sensing and GIS technology coupled
with hydrological and chemical monitoring. The study areas were located in the
cities of Herzliya and Ra'anana, in Israel's coastal plain, where extensive urbani-
zation has taken place over the last 30 years. Within the research framework, land
use in urban basins were analyzed, rain and runoff were measured and sampled at
measurement stations for different land uses (residential, industrial, commercial,
roads, gas station). The research purposes were to analyze land uses by different
remote sensing techniques, to evaluate the quality and quantity of urban storm
water from various land uses, and to verify a method for predicting the impact of
urban land uses on quantity and quality of urban storm water. The quality of urban
storm water from residential areas was very high, and the water is suitable for reuse
or direct recharge into the local aquifer.
Keywords Remote sensing ￿ GIS ￿ Urban storm water ￿ Monitoring
The State of Israel has been undergoing an intensive process of urbanization since
the end of the 1950s (Mazor 1993 ). Many open areas and agricultural lands have
been turned into residential neighborhoods, urban commerce and industrial areas,
with the major urban development taking place along the coastal strip of Israel.
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