Geoscience Reference
In-Depth Information
Table 8.1 Main GIS data
layers for the Maumee GIS
DEM (Digital Elevation Model)
SSURGO soils
Stream network
Land use cover
Watersheds (HUC units)
Quaternary and bedrock geology
Recreational areas and parks
Various boundaries (states, cities, and counties)
Source water protection areas
Groundwater data
100 year floodplains
Climatic zones
Soil drainage
Roads and transportation
8.3 GIS Database Development
Spatial data layers were assembled from numerous sources to assemble and deliver
GIS layers that cover the entire Maumee Watershed Project Area (Table 8.1 ). Some
of the websites, where spatial data is freely available, are Soil Data Mart, Data
Gateway (NRCS/USDA), Center for Geographic Information in Michigan, ODNR
GIMS (Geographic Information Management Systems), Indiana Geological Survey
(A GIS Atlas), United States Geological Survey (USGS), and Great Lakes Informa-
tion Network (GLIN). Once the data was downloaded, it was necessary to evaluate its
condition using ESRI ArcGIS software. Datasets for the basin needed to cover Ohio,
Michigan, and Indiana. In some cases, there was only Ohio datasets available and
therefore were not used. In other cases, there were security issues; therefore the data
was not made public. Metadata, which contains descriptions of the spatial data sets,
needed to be present because it indicates what has been done to create the data and
who created it. The metadata would be updated with the project purpose and contact
information. After deciding on datasets, geoprocessing techniques were performed.
Clipping, merging, and reprojecting were necessary for datasets for map overlay.
The next step was to establish a GIS website for the Maumee Watershed Project
Area linking an ArcIMS site for data viewing. The website located at www.maumee. contains background information on the project, spatial layers available
for download through a password protected ftp site, and the ArcIMS available for
viewing these spatial layers (Fig. 8.2 ). The ability to download the information is a
means to share the data with NRCS and project partners for the overall collaboration
of the project. Training sessions were held for partners and stakeholders to learn how
to use this online system providing them ample opportunity to make suggestions and
ask meaningful questions.
ArcIMS provides for the ability to access various layers at various scales of
viewing. In this manner it is possible to compile many important spatial data layers
into the GIS product and make each layer viewable and active at the appropriate scale.
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