Biomedical Engineering Reference
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Fig. 5.16
The dorsal view of the load distribution at the capitolunate and capitoscaphoid articulations
Fig. 5.17
The transverse view of the contact pressure plot at the radiocarpal joint
model, a very less pressure was generated with a maximum pressure of 21 MPa
found at the radioscaphoid joint (Fig. 5.17 ). Structure based argument was made,
whereby the scaphoid is naturally at risk as its articulation was found to have
elliptical shape. Therefore, axial rotation of the scaphoid as the diseases progresses
has significantly generating high contact pressure at the articulation due to reduction
of the contacted area subjected with loads [ 5 ].
All findings presented and discussed in this chapter have brought to a con-
clusion, which was biomechanical alteration of the healthy joint has significantly
occurred in the rheumatic wrist joint. We believed that the outcomes presented
here could notably provide insights to better understand the disease, and thus come
with much more encouraging treatments for future benefits.
1. Cush JJ, Lipsky PE (1991) Cellular basis for rheumatoid inflammation. Clin Orthop Relat Res
2. Trieb K, Hofstätter S (2009) Rheumatoid arthritis of the wrist. Tech Orthop 24(1):8-12
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