Java Reference
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JavaScript enables you to use such multiple conditions. To do this, you need to learn about three more
operators: the logical operators AND , OR , and NOT . The symbols for these are listed in the following table:
Notice that the AND and OR operators are two symbols repeated: && and | | . If you type just one
symbol, & or | , strange things will happen because these are special operators called bitwise
operators used in binary operations—for logical operations you must always use two.
After you've learned about the three logical operators, you take a look at how to use them in if
statements, with plenty of practical examples. So if it seems a bit confusing on first read, don't
panic. All will become clear. Let's look at how each of these works, starting with the AND operator.
Recall that we talked about the left‐hand side (LHS) and the right‐hand side (RHS) of the operator.
The same is true with the AND operator. However, now the LHS and RHS of the condition are
boolean values (usually the result of a condition).
The AND operator works very much as it does in English. For example, you might say, “If I feel cold
and I have a coat, then I'll put my coat on.” Here, the left‐hand side of the “and” word is “Do I feel
cold?” and this can be evaluated as true or false . The right‐hand side is “Do I have a coat?” which
again is evaluated to either true or false . If the left‐hand side is true (I am cold) and the right‐hand
side is true (I do have a coat), then you put your coat on.
This is very similar to how the AND operator works in JavaScript. The AND operator actually produces
a result, just as adding two numbers produces a result. However, the AND operator takes two boolean
values (on its LHS and RHS) and results in another boolean value. If the LHS and RHS conditions
evaluate to true , the result will be true . In any other circumstance, the result will be false .
Following is a truth table of possible evaluations of left‐hand sides and right‐hand sides and the
result when AND is used:
left‐hand side
right‐hand side
Although the table is, strictly speaking, true, it's worth noting that JavaScript doesn't like doing
unnecessary work. Well, who does! If the left‐hand side is false , even if the right‐hand side does
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