Java Reference
In-Depth Information
/l{2,}/ matches ll in “ still ” and
lll in “ stilllife .”
Matches n or more instances of the
preceding character (where n is a
positive integer).
/l{1,2}/ matches l in “ life ,” ll
in “ still ,” and the first two l is in
stilllife .”
Matches between n and m instances
of the preceding character (where n
and m are positive integers).
[ab] matches a and b ; [a‐c]
matches a , b and c .
Matches any one of the characters
in the square brackets. A range of
characters in the alphabet can be
matched using a hyphen.
[^aeiouy] matches s in
easy ”; [^a‐y] matches z in “ lazy .”
Matches any character except those
enclosed in the square brackets. A
range of characters in the alphabet
can be specified using a hyphen.
Matches a backspace.
/t\b/ matches the first t in
about time .”
Matches a word boundary (for
example, a space or the end of a
/t\Bi/ matches ti in “ it is time .”
Matches when there is no word
boundary in this position.
/\cA/ matches Ctrl+A.
Matches a control character.
/IE\d/ matches IE4 , IE5 , etc.
Matches a digit character. This is
identical to [0‐9] .
/\D/ matches the decimal point in
3.142 .”
Matches any character that is not a
digit. This is identical to [^0‐9] .
Matches a form‐feed character.
Matches a line‐feed character.
Matches a carriage return character.
/\s/ matches the space in
not now .”
Matches any white space character,
including space, tab, line‐feed, etc.
This is identical to [ \f\n\r\t\v] .
/\S/ matches a in “ a .”
Matches any character other than
a white space character. This is
identical to [^ \f\n\r\t\v] .
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