Java Reference
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which contains either true or false . If it contains true , the underlying XMLHttpRequest object
uses asynchronous communication to retrieve the file. If false , the module uses synchronous
The first change made to the module is in the constructor itself. The original constructor initializes
and readies the XMLHttpRequest object to send data. This will not do for this new version, however.
Instead, the constructor merely initializes all the properties:
function HttpRequest(url, callback) {
this.url = url;
this.callBack = callback;
this.async = true;
this.request = new XMLHttpRequest();
You have three new properties here. The first, url , contains the URL that the XMLHttpRequest
object should attempt to request from the server. The callBack property contains a reference
to the callback function, and the async property determines the type of communication the
XMLHttpRequest object uses. Setting async to true in the constructor gives the property a default
value. Therefore, you can send the request in asynchronous mode without setting the property
The new constructor and properties are actually desirable, because they enable you to reuse the
same HttpRequest object for multiple requests. If you wanted to make a request to a different
URL, all you would need to do is assign the url property a new value. The same can be said for the
callback function as well.
The majority of changes to the module are in the send() method. It is here that the module decides
whether to use asynchronous or synchronous communication. Both types of communication have
very little in common when it comes to making a request; asynchronous communication uses
the onreadystatechange event handler, and synchronous communication allows access to the
XMLHttpRequest object's properties when the request is complete. Therefore, code branching is required:
HttpRequest.prototype.send = function() {"GET", this.url, this.async);
if (this.async) {
//more code here
if (!this.async) {
//more code here
The first line of this method uses the open() method of the XMLHttpRequest object. The async
property is used as the final parameter of the method. This determines whether or not the XHR
object uses asynchronous communication. Next, an if statement tests to see if this.async is
true ; if it is, the asynchronous code will be placed in this if block. Next, the XMLHttpRequest
object's send() method is called, sending the request to the server. The final if statement checks
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