Java Reference
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for (i = 0; i < targets.length; i++) {
targets[i].addEventListener("dragover", handleOverDrop);
targets[i].addEventListener("drop", handleOverDrop);
targets[i].addEventListener("dragenter", handleDragEnterLeave);
targets[i].addEventListener("dragleave", handleDragEnterLeave);
Save this as ch12 _ question1.html .
This solution is rather simple. It introduces a new function called getRandomMessage() , which
returns one of three messages:
function getRandomMessage() {
var messages = [
"You moved an element!",
"Moved and element, you have! Mmmmmmm?",
"Element overboard!"
return messages[Math.floor((Math.random() * 3) + 0)];
And you use this function when you assign the message property to the data object in
handleDragStart() :
var data = {
message: getRandomMessage()
Sadly, this solution still doesn't add much excitement to the example. But some is better than none, right?
Chapter 13
exercise 1 Question
Using local storage, create a page that keeps track of how many times the page has been visited by
the user in the last month.
exercise 1 Solution
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