Java Reference
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Throwing errors can be very useful for indicating problems such as invalid user input. Rather
than using lots of if...else statements, you can check the validity of user input, then use
throw to stop code execution in its tracks and cause the error‐catching code in the catch
block of code to take over. In the catch clause, you can determine whether the error is based
on user input, in which case you can notify the user what went wrong and how to correct it.
Alternatively, if it's an unexpected error, you can handle it more gracefully than with lots of
JavaScript errors.
You can throw anything; from a simple string or number to an object. In most cases, however, you'll
throw an object. To use throw , type throw and include the object after it. For example, if you are
validating a set of form fields, your exception object could contain not only the message, but the id
of the element that has invalid data. An example could look like this:
throw {
message : "Please type a valid email address",
elementId : "txtEmail"
The objects you throw should include at least a message property; most error‐handling code will be
looking for it.
try…catch and throwing Errors
trY it out
In this example you modify ch16 _ example2.html to use the try...catch and throw statements to
validate the e‐mail and username fields. Feel free to use ch16 _ example2.html as a basis for this new
file. For your convenience, the following code listing highlights the key changes:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<title>Chapter 18: Example 2</title>
.fieldname {
text-align: right;
.submit {
text-align: right;
<td class="fieldname">
<input type="text" id="username" />
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