Java Reference
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data: {
username: userValue
The onSuccess callback function varies between the different types of requests. For ordinary
Request objects, the onSuccess callback function is called with two arguments—the responseText
and responseXML :
function requestSuccess(responseText, responseXML) {
// do something with either supplied value
The responseText is the plain textual representation of the server's response. If the response
is a valid XML document, the responseXML parameter is a DOM tree containing the parsed
The onSuccess callback is a bit more complicated for Request.HTML objects:
function requestHTMLSuccess(responseTree, responseElements,
responseHTML, responseJavaScript) {
// do something with the data
The four parameters are:
responseTree : The node list of the response
responseElements : An array containing the elements of the response
responseHTML : The string content of the response
responseJavaScript : The JavaScript of the response
The onSuccess callback for Request.JSON objects is much simpler than Request.HTML 's:
function requestJSONSuccess(responseJSON, responseText) {
// do something with the provided data
The responseJSON parameter is an object—the parsed JSON structure. So you won't need to
call JSON.parse() . The responseText parameter is the plaintext JSON structure. Honestly, your
authors don't know why you would need the responseText with Request.JSON , but it's there just
in case you need it (we don't think you will).
Let's use MooTools' Ajax utilities to modify the form validator from the previous chapter one last
revisiting the Form Validator with Mootools
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