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This extends the standard <body/> element with Prototype's extension methods—one of which
is the writeAttribute() method. As its name implies, it “writes” or sets an attribute on the
writeAttribute("bgColor", "yellow")
This sets the body's bgColor attribute to yellow. The writeAttribute() method returns the DOM
object it was called on, the extended document.body object in this case. So you can call another
extension method, called insert() , to set its content:
insert("<h1>Hello, Prototype!</h1>")
Let's use this as the basis for a file to test your Prototype installation. Open your text editor and
type the following:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<title>Chapter 17: Example 2</title>
<button id="theButton">Click Me!</button>
<script src="prototype.1.7.2.js"></script>
var buttonObj = $("theButton");
function buttonClick() {
$(document.body).writeAttribute("bgColor", "yellow")
.insert("<h1>Hello, Prototype!</h1>");
Event.observe(buttonObj, "click", buttonClick);
Save this as ch17 _ example2.html and open it in your browser (
examples/ch17_example2.html ). Y ou should see something like Figure 17-2. If you don't, make
sure that the Prototype JavaScript file is in the same directory as the HTML file.
retrieving elements
Prototype's $() function is very different from jQuery's. If you remember from the previous
chapter, jQuery's $() function creates a jQuery object that wraps itself around one or multiple
DOM element objects. In contrast, Prototype's $() function returns the actual DOM object
(much like document.getElementById() ), but it also extends the element object with many new
properties and methods:
var el = $("myDiv");
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