Java Reference
In-Depth Information
For example, it was mentioned earlier that although IE8 supports native drag and drop, it does
not support the draggable attribute/property. You can extend Modernizr to test for this specific
functionality like this:
Modernizr.addTest("draggable", function(){
var span = document.createElement("span");
return typeof span.draggable != "undefined"
This code adds a new test called "draggable" . Its function creates an arbitrary <span/> element
and checks if it has a draggable property. In modern browsers, the draggable property defaults to
false , but it is undefined in IE8. Therefore, when you use the test like this:
if (!Modernizr.draggable) {
// code for IE8
you can run code for browsers that do not support the draggable attribute/property.
Sometimes, however, you don't want to use an if statement to run code for a specific browser
(or a set of browsers). Instead, wouldn't it be nice if you could load an external JavaScript file for
browsers that passed or failed a certain test? Modernizr can do that!
loading resources
Modernizr has an optional method called load() (you can omit it from your custom build), and it's
used to load external JavaScript and CSS files based on the result of a test.
The load() method's basic usage is simple; you pass it an object that describes the test and resources
you want to load. For example:
test: Modernizr.geolocation,
nope: "geo-polyfill.js",
yep: "geo.js"
This code calls Modernizr.load() and passes an object that has test , nope , and yep as properties
(we'll call this a yepnope object). The test property contains the result of the test. If it passes,
Modernizr loads the file assigned to the yep property ( ge o.js in this example). But if it fails, the file
assigned to the nope property ( geo‐polyfill.js ) is loaded instead.
Note A polyfill is a third‐party JavaScript component that replicates the
standard API for older browsers.
The yep and nope properties are optional, so you can load only one resource if you need to. For
example, the following code loads a JavaScript file only for browsers that do not support the
draggable attribute/property:
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