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eSrc.className = "";
You can greatly simplify this code by using the toggleClass() method, like this:
var target = $(;
if (e.type == "mouseover" || e.type == "mouseout") {
Notice how the $() function is used in this code: It passes , a DOM object, to $() . This
can at first seem like a strange thing to do, but remember what we said earlier: $() is used for many
things. One of those things is to wrap a normal DOM object with a jQuery object.
In technical terms, we call the resulting jQuery object a wrapper object . Wrapper objects are
typically used to enhance the functionality of another object. With jQuery, you're wrapping a
jQuery object around an element object, enabling you to use jQuery's API to manipulate the
element. In the case of this code, you're wrapping a jQuery object around an element object so that
you can use toggleClass() to toggle the class‐one class.
Checking if a Class exists
The last CSS class method is the hasClass() method, and it returns true or false depending on if
an element has the specified CSS class. For example:
var hasClassOne = content.hasClass("class-one");
This code uses hasClass() to determine if the class‐one is applied to content . If it is,
hasClassOne is true . Otherwise, it's false .
Creating, appending, and removing elements
Think back to Chapter 9 and how you create and append elements to the page. The following code
will refresh your memory:
var a = document.createElement("a"); = "myLink";
a.setAttribute("href", "");
a.setAttribute("title", "jQuery's Website");
var text = document.createTextNode("Click to go to jQuery's website");
This code creates an <a/> element, assigns it an id , and sets the href and title attributes. It then
creates a text node and assigns the object to the text variable. Finally, it appends the text node to
the <a/> element and appends the <a/> element to the document's <body/> element. It goes without
saying that creating elements with the DOM methods requires a lot of code.
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