Java Reference
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The HTML in this example is untouched from Example 2, so let's jump right to the code. Outside of
any function, you define three variables for referencing the <video/> and two <button/> elements:
var video = document.getElementById("bbbVideo");
var playButton = document.getElementById("playbackController");
var muteButton = document.getElementById("muteController");
You'll use these variables throughout the various functions, but first, you register the event listeners.
For the <video/> element, you register pause , playing , and volumechange event listeners:
video.addEventListener("pause", pauseHandler);
video.addEventListener("playing", playingHandler);
video.addEventListener("volumechange", volumechangeHandler);
Each event listener uses a unique function—the pauseHandler() function handles the pause
event, playingHandler() handles the playing event, and volumechangeHandler() handles the
volumechange event. You could make the argument that the playing and pause event code is similar
enough to use a single function, but keep it simple! Simple functions are happy functions.
And once again, the two <button/> elements register click events using the playbackClick() and
muteClick() functions:
playButton.addEventListener("click", playbackClick);
muteButton.addEventListener("click", muteClick);
Each of the five functions in this example is reduced to a single responsibility. This is a good thing
because it makes your code easier to manage and maintain (as well as find and fix errors if they occur).
The first function is the pauseHandler() function, which as you know, handles the media's pause event:
function pauseHandler(e) {
playButton.innerHTML = "Resume";
Its job is simple; change the text of the Play/Pause button to Resume when the pause event fires. This
way, the button's text changes as the state of the video changes.
The next function is playingHandler() , the counterpart to the pauseHandler() function:
function playingHandler(e) {
playButton.innerHTML = "Pause";
When the media plays, this function changes the Play/Pause button's text to Pause.
The volumechangeHandler() function is slightly more complicated because it fires for two types of
events—when the volume changes and when the media is muted:
function volumechangeHandler(e) {
muteButton.innerHTML = video.muted ? "Unmute" : "Mute";
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