Java Reference
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Having discussed forms, we then went on to look at the different types of HTML elements
that can be placed inside forms, how to create them, and how they are used in JavaScript.
The objects associated with the form elements have a number of properties, methods, and
events that are common to them all. They all have the name property, which you can use to
reference them in your JavaScript. They also all have the form property, which provides a
reference to the Form object in which that element is contained. The type property returns a
text string telling you what type of element this is; types include text , button , and radio .
You also saw that the methods focus() and blur() , and the events focus and blur , are
available to every form element object. Such an element is said to receive the focus when it
becomes the active element in the form, either because the user has selected that element or
because you used the focus() method. However an element got the focus, its focus event
will fire. When another element is set as the currently active element, the previous element
is said to lose its focus, or to blur. Again, loss of focus can be the result of the user selecting
another element or the use of the blur() method; either way, when it happens the blur
event fires. You saw that the firing of focus and blur can, if used carefully, be a good place
to check things like the validity of data entered by a user into an element.
All elements return a value, which is the string data assigned to that element. The meaning of
the value depends on the element; for a text box, it is the value inside the text box, and for a
button, it's the text displayed on its face.
Having discussed the common features of elements, we then looked at each of the more
commonly used elements in turn, starting with the button element.
The button element's purpose in life is to be clicked by the user, where that clicking fires
some script you have written. You can capture the clicking by connecting to the button's
click event. A button is created by means of the <input/> element with the type attribute
set to button . The value attribute determines what text appears on the button's face. Two
variations on a button are the submit and reset buttons. In addition to acting as buttons,
they also provide a special service not linked to code. The submit button automatically
submits the form to the server; the reset button clears the form back to its default state
when loaded in the page.
The text element allows the user to enter a single line of plaintext. A text box is created
by means of the <input/> element with the type attribute set to text . You can set how
many characters the user can enter and how wide the text box is with the maxlength and
size attributes, respectively, of the <input/> element. The text box has an associated
object called Text , which has the additional events select and change . The select event
fires when the user selects text in the box, and the more useful change event fires when
the element loses focus and its contents have changed since the element gained the focus.
The firing of the change event is a good place to do validation of what the user has just
entered. If she entered illegal values, such as letters when you wanted numbers, you can
let her know and send her back to correct her mistake. A variation on the text box is the
password box, which is almost identical to the text box except that the values typed into
it are hidden and shown as asterisks. Additionally, the text box also has the keydown ,
keypress , and keyup events.
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