Java Reference
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If you want to find out how many options are in a select element, you can use the length property
of either the Select object itself or of its options collection property.
Let's see how you could loop through the options for the preceding select box:
var theDayElement = document.theForm.theDay;
document.write("There are " + theDayElement.length + "options<br />");
for (var index = 0; index < theDayElement.length; index++) {
document.write("Option text is " +
document.write(" and its value is ");
document.write("<br />");
First, you set the variable theDayElement to reference the Select object. Then you write the
number of options to the page, in this case 7 .
Next you use a for loop to loop through the options collection, displaying the text of each option,
such as Monday , Tuesday , and so on, and its value, such as 0 , 1 , and so on. If you create a page based
on this code, it must be placed after the <select/> element's definition.
It's also possible to add options to a select element after the page has finished loading. You look at
how to do this next.
adding and removing Options
To add a new option to a select element, you simply create a new Option object using the new
operator and then insert it into the options collection of the Select object at an empty index
When you create a new Option object, you have two parameters to pass. The first is the text you
want to appear in the list, and the second is the value to be assigned to the option:
var myNewOption = new Option("TheText","TheValue");
You then simply assign this Option object to an empty array element. For example:
theDayElement.options[0] = myNewOption;
If you want to remove an option, you simply set that part of the options collection to null . For
example, to remove the element you just inserted, you need the following:
theDayElement.options[0] = null;
When you remove an Option object from the options collection, the collection is reordered so that
the array index value of each of the options above the removed one has its index value decremented
by one.
When you insert a new option at a certain index position, be aware that it will overwrite any Option
object that is already there.
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