Java Reference
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if (element.type == "checkbox") {
if (element.checked) {
compSpec = compSpec + element.value + "\n";
It's here that you loop through each element on the form using myForm[controlIndex] , which returns a
reference to the element object stored at the controlIndex index position.
You'll see that in this example the element variable is set to reference the object stored in the myForm
collection at the index position stored in variable controlIndex . Again, this is for convenient shorthand
purposes; now to use that particular object's properties or methods, you just type element , a period,
and then the method or property name, making your code easier to read and debug, which also saves on
You only want to see which check boxes have been checked, so you use the type property, which
every HTML form element object has, to see what element type you are dealing with. If the type is
checkbox , you go ahead and see if it's a checked check box. If so, you append its value to the message
string in compSpec . If it is not a check box, it can be safely ignored.
Finally, you use the alert() method to display the contents of your message string.
The last function is getSelectedSpeedValue() . It doesn't accept any arguments, although you could
generalize this function to accept a collection of Radio objects. Doing so would allow you to reuse the
function in multiple projects.
But to get back to the actual code, the first statement of the function creates a radios variable that
contains a reference to the myForm.radCpuSpeed collection:
function getSelectedSpeedValue() {
var radios = myForm.radCpuSpeed;
Next, you want to find the selected Radio object and retrieve its value. You can do this with yet another
for loop:
for (var index = 0; index < radios.length; index++) {
if (radios[index].checked) {
return radios[index].value;
return "";
The logic is straightforward: Loop through the radios collection and check each Radio object's
checked property. If it's true , return the value of that Radio object, but if the loop exits without
finding a checked Radio object, you return an empty string.
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